Founder & Editor-in-Chief

In addition to Craig Landale's passion and love for men's fashion and men's style, he is an experienced online marketing consultant, member of the British Society of Magazine Editors and qualified in Post Compulsory Education and Training. The Founder and Editor-in-Chief of MenswearStyle has previous experience in leading the marketing department of a corporate clothing company and overseeing the digital marketing of a large British multi-brand menswear group.

Through the rapid success of MenswearStyle Craig has been featured in Shortlist Magazine's 'Chosen Few' numerous times, interviewed for non-fiction books Get Rich Blogging' and 'The Million Dollar Blog', released eBooks titled 'ABC of Man' and 'Understanding Sustainable Menswear', attended the Drapers Next Generation Academy, and was a Fashion Monitor Journalism Awards finalist in 2013 and 2014 for 'Online Fashion Journalist of the Year'. In 2018 Craig was invited to be a judge at the Vuelio Blog Awards in London, and in 2021 he judged the Content Creation category of The Good Web Guide Awards. 

Craig has successfully collaborated with a range of brands including Mulberry, Harrods, Jaguar and Lacoste. He is available to work with companies on various projects, press trips, awards judging, brand collaborations, and is also happy to provide quotes to media and journalists as a UK menswear expert. For more details on commercial projects, media and sponsorship please see our Advertising page and don't hesitate to get in touch to discuss any opportunities and ideas.

"How do you get the message across on one page of a website that you endeavour to delve head first into the vastly growing men’s interests sector to uncover the best stories, showcase the greatest designs, seek out the finest brands, educate the everyman, discover the world, interview inspiring people, be the first to report trends, endorse the industry, positively influence readers but ultimately, just really love menswear?"